Hugo + Dokku + Wercker = Goodness


Hugo is a static site generator with many powerful features like archtypes, themes, customization, etc.

Combined with tools like bower and brunch it makes for a pretty powerful app that could be more than a blog.

The workflow is simple - build your assets with brunch, run the hugo generator. The end result is a complete static html site you can deploy.


Dokku has been great for running multiple small apps on a single digitalocean droplet. The best part is its heroku buildpack compatible, so anything you can run on heroku you can deploy to dokku and more.


A continuous integration solution that is quite powerful and free. I’m slowly migrating all my travisci configurations.

With a single wercker.yml config file, each git commit one can combine the static site generation and the deploy to dokku. Beautiful!


  • add the dokku git repo as a submodule called “public” which will contain the generated site
  • create some dokku git environment variables in wercker config
  • create an ssh key in the wercker config for the project
  • add the generated ssh key to the dokku acl list

The wercker.yml file:

box: digitallyseamless/nodejs-bower-grunt
    - wercker/[email protected]
    - plasticine/[email protected]
    - add-to-known-hosts:
        hostname: $GIT_DEPLOY_HOST
    - add-ssh-key:
        keyname: dokku
    - script:
        name: Initialize git submodules
        code: |
            git submodule update --init --recursive            
    - script:
        name: Build assets
        code: ./node_modules/.bin/brunch build
    - arjen/hugo-build:
        version: "0.15"
    - add-to-known-hosts:
        hostname: $GIT_DEPLOY_HOST
    - add-ssh-key:
        keyname: dokku
    - script:
        name: push to dokku
        code: |
          cd ./public
          git config "$GIT_USER_EMAIL"
          git config "$WERCKER_STARTED_BY"
          git config push.default simple
          git add -A .
          git commit -m "deploy from wercker"
          git push origin HEAD:master          


Can simply create a post and commit it. Once pushed, it will be deployed live.


  • Create a test suite to run in wercker as well.
  • Devise a way to create a blog post on mobile