Global World Order

After some discussions earlier today regarding legality, countries and the internet, had to jot down some thoughts.

The rule of law for governing works at different levels.

Am sure you are aware how globalization and the internet have exposed how difficult it is for countries to integrate with each other without some sort of super world organization governing that.

Even as individuals, we live in our little “me” movies where we are the star, but cannot integrate with other people in their movies without not being the star. Same concept.

It becomes so apparent that a world governing organization is not only extremely risky in terms of power and difficult in terms of fairness, it is also undesirable given any current governments performance in the world.

The world organizations that exist today like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund or even United Nations just seem to be a next-level pat-on-the-back retreats for bureaucrats in love with the system that serves them. Can you imagine Trump saying “ok, now that I am done being president, the only place to go is up!”

Einstein said, “You cannot fix a problem using the same consciousness that created it.”

Same problem with governments really, case in point with that god awful Trumpist in the Imperial Quartet.

New World Order

If there must be a New World Order, I like what is proposed by the Venus Project.

They claim that the world should switch to a Resource Based Economy.

A Resource based economy simply involves treating earth like it is a spaceship.

The monetary system stopped being backed by physical currency a long time ago and is ultimately “fictional”.

It is even “stranger than fiction” because it has real world consequences despite being mind-made. As such, is capable of wreaking havoc that any planetary being would not normally intend.

We have a limited number of resources on our Earth space ship and we must stop the bullshit, take stock of what we have left, allocate and plan accordingly.

Obviously, I am not sure how this would solve any drama with limited resources, and still requires governance, but maybe that is not the point.

In fact, my final opinion on the Venus Project is that the monetary world can still exist at a country level for the ego kids to play in and hopefully evolve out of.

I know how flaky it sounds, like environmentalists trying to avoid turning Earth into an uninhabitable Venus. But honestly, I don’t see a more logical approach.

Taxing Countries

We have already starting taxing countries that opt-in to environmental treaties, but they have not been very successful in my opinion because you have to balance the survival of the puppies and the families.

Lets take that hit tune or jab from the Imperial Trumpist Quartet called “Tax/Sue China for Covid-19”.

Pretty moronic for something unintentional, but it got me thinking about some of the things I would tax America for.

The Petition: A Sample Flyer

Do you live in a culture of Envy & Ego (the word ego is misunderstood and overused, but do not know how else to describe it).

Did you report your college sexual assault in a monotone voice? Were the confident Alpha-Beta boys not satisfied with pornography and have their way with you?

Did your religion get reduced to a bunch of TV infomercial fanatics, bigotry, dogmatism, chauvinism and frankly, insanity?

Are you tired of greed and inequality being protected by legalese?

Do you suffer existing in avoidance of all those great fucking cars and their infrastructure, even though you do so for safety of body and mind?

Do you feel deeply offended by the Imperial Trumpist Quartet’s tune or their backlash such as #blm and #metoo? (Is a fish privileged if it only knows living in water?)

Are you tired of the good guy fight that keeps fucking you in the arse like a piece of shit because he is so much better than you?

Are you tired of feeling like you are alone in a connected world because people are too fucking brainwashed with a shit culture you cannot relate to them?

Are you tired of the mad cows and environment cost of eating hormone fueled, chemicalized sugar shit produced in mass cruelty and insanity just for the luxury of it?

Are you tired of being insane, following a path you did not choose, being treated like an idiot or you don’t matter?

Did art and music get reduced to fucking irrelevant bullshit?

Are you tired of war, manipulation and over competition?

Are you tired of wasting time not dealing with real problems?

Are you tired of a cultural link in your own home but you have no vote? While being told to look at problems within yourself? Like living in a pseudo polygamous marriage with an asshole who says tough shit?

Are you tired of your good stuff being bought up and being thrown crap?

Lets Tax America For It.