Fire With Fire

Context: American White House Takeover by Protesters (aka racist terrorists)

Do you ever notice that whenever humanity gets squeezed, our worst selves make the most noise?

The mental-emotional state of the human condition, acting like a virus. And we indirectly like to think we are a part of something.

All the pandemic, racism, sexism, and inequality is hugely symptomatic of suffering and the mind run amok in resistance.

The double standards of duality, like a snake eating its own tail, both sides feeding their pain from the other.

Fire to end Suffering

Nothing aggravates me more than hearing people talk of “fighting” pandemics or going to “war” on a particular situation.

This is how the mental-emotional virus spreads, reactive instead of skillful action (or maybe it is just mad-cow disease 😆).

What you resist persists. Is that why these things don’t alleviate?

I feel like a lot of problems (hint: trumpism) would disappear if you stopped giving them attention.

Self Immolation

Am reminded of the acts of self-immolation of monks of Vietnam.

They believed by sacrificing themselves they would call attention to seek help.


It is somewhat questionable whether this is skillful action.

Undoubtedly an act of compassion by not continuing against their aggressors. Just in the most extreme way. (A letter to Dr. Martin Luther King explaining this image seems like more skillful action).

Seems like a lot of people may feel this extreme inner turmoil.

Questionable whether you can call reacting to this inner turmoil “freedom”.

With things like “terrorism” as an invisible line in the sand against insanity….

Questionable whether it is getting addressed at all or whether it is getting more repressed and violent.

Upwards and Onwards

I wish I could wave a magic wand and alleviate all the worlds constant unnecessary problems…

Because they distract terribly from the real ones.

The real problems are coming if not already here and getting worse (environment, inequality, tech disruption, legacy infrastructure).

Perhaps Elon Musk will ship all the extroverts off into space to find what they were looking for externally.

That should solve it. But I think I will stay here.