Life is a like a dream, a background awareness of reality.…. as a nightmare at worst and a delusion at best. You can guide your self down the stream, but you do not know where you are going and you cannot go back.
Caught somewhere in between the trickle of survival, getting ahead, a social life, and a personal life - the dream of solid ground seems a myth. The energy spent on all, too little for any.
Have you ever wondered what dream humanity is trying to achieve? Or why?
It is about sex, family, children.
- has a biological directive to obey.
- justifies almost every need in a positive light.
- the competition to obtain remains a challenge with growth.
- the protection of, can be as deadly as war.
- the individual roles are disconnected.
- species is disastrous for the earth and other species.
- creates a kind of chemical bubble of happiness or grief over loss.
It is about the mind and science.
- explains almost everything and who we are as well.
- justifies almost anything as long as it can be proven.
- competition is even more frustrating and diabolical than physical.
- pursued with recklessness and sacrifice.
- still difficult to know what a thought is, and if it is who we are.
- questionable if we have evolved to wield world destructive power like atomic and internet (and now quantum, nanotech, and AI).
It is about money.
- scalable for populating over physical trade.
- justifies almost any wrong as reality, ironically, given that it is ultimately fictional.
- relationships reduced to a means to an end.
- creates inequality (meaning your not trying hard enough, join a brothel like linked in for help).
- convenience of an abundance of unhealthy crap and a vehicular jungle.
- environmental disasters and resource consumption loss greater than without.
It is about religion
- a positive purpose.
- our souls will become closer to God and thus the world will become a better place.
- breaks down when we again fail to account for the ego.
- creates religious identities to defend and attack.
- reducing others to good and bad, in vanity like good looking and bad looking.
I do not like green eggs and ham, nor pipe dreams and scams.
I do not like busting my balls or wasting my time, for someone to achieve their dream.
I do not like the collective dysfunction that enjoys suffering and making others suffer.
I do not like wanting candy I cannot have, in a candy store I do not belong in.
I do not like being judged in ignorance or vice versa.
My frustration I have to let go, and go on with the flow.
For the background consciousness of the dream is the only thing that is real.
Happy Hallow Weenie.